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Can Yucel - Everything Depends on You

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Can Yucel
Her Sey Sende Gizli Everything Depends on You
You are as heavy as the ground pulls you,
As light as your wings flutter..
You are as alive as your heart beats,
As young as your eyes see distance...
You are as good as the people you love,
As bad as the people you hate..
Whatever the color of your eyebrows and your eyes are,
Your color is what the one facing you sees..
Don't think that what you lived is what you gained:
You are as close to the end as you lived; however long you live,
Your life is as long as you love..
You are as happy as you can smile.
Don't be sad, know that you will smile as much as you cry
Don't think that everything is over,
You will be loved as much as you love.
The value nature gives you is in the rise of the sun
And you are as human as the value you give to the one facing you.
If you will lie one day;
Let the one you address believe you as much as the trust for you.
The longing for the loved one is in the moon light,
And you are as close to your love as you long for.
Don't forget, you are as wet as it rains,
As warm as the sun warms you.
You are as alone as you feel alone
And as strong as you feel strong.
You are as beautiful as you feel beautiful..
This is life!
This is living,
You live as much as you remember this
When you forget this, you feel as cold as every breath you take
And you are forgotten as soon as you forget
A flower is as beautiful as it is watered,
Birds are as sweet as they chitter,
A baby is as baby as it cries.
And you know everything as much as you learn, learn this as well,

Anda sama beratnya dengan tanah yang menarik Anda,
Secerah sayapmu mengibas ..
Anda hidup seperti detak jantung Anda,
Semuda matamu melihat jarak ...
Anda sama baiknya dengan orang yang Anda cintai,
Seburuk orang yang kamu benci ..
Apapun warna alis dan matamu,
Warna Anda adalah apa yang menghadap Anda melihat ..
Jangan berpikir bahwa apa yang Anda jalani adalah apa yang Anda dapatkan:
Anda mendekati akhir saat Anda hidup; betapapun lamanya kamu hidup,
Hidupmu selama kamu mencintai ..
Anda bahagia seperti Anda bisa tersenyum.
Jangan sedih, ketahuilah bahwa Anda akan tersenyum sebanyak yang Anda tangisi
Jangan berpikir semuanya sudah berakhir,
Anda akan dicintai sebanyak yang Anda cintai.
Sifat nilai memberi Anda adalah munculnya matahari
Dan Anda sama nyatanya dengan nilai yang Anda berikan pada orang yang menghadap Anda.
Jika Anda akan berbohong pada suatu hari;
Biarkan yang Anda alamat percaya Anda sebanyak kepercayaan untuk Anda.
Kerinduan untuk orang yang dicintai ada di cahaya bulan,
Dan Anda sedekat cinta Anda saat Anda merindukannya.
Jangan lupa, kamu basah seperti hujan,
Secangat hangatnya sinar matahari menghangatkan dirimu.
Anda sendiri seperti Anda merasa sendirian
Dan sekuat Anda merasa kuat.
Kamu seindah yang kamu rasakan cantik ..
Ini adalah kehidupan!
Ini hidup,
Anda hidup sebanyak yang Anda ingat ini
Bila Anda lupa ini, Anda merasa sedingin setiap napas yang Anda ambil
Dan Anda lupa begitu Anda lupa
Bunga seindah itu disiram,
Burung-burung itu seindah mereka,
Bayi adalah bayi karena menangis.
Dan Anda tahu segalanya sebanyak yang Anda pelajari, pelajari ini juga,
Thanks for reading Can Yucel - Everything Depends on You

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