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Du Mu - Spring South of the River

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Spring South of the River
Thousand li orioles call green reflect river
Water village hill rampart wine banner wind
South dynasty 480 temples
How many pavilions mist rain in Orioles call for a thousand li, green's reflected in the river;
Waterside village; hillside rampart; wine; a banner in the wind.
In the time of the southern dynasties, there were four hundred and eighty temples;
How many pavilions there are now in the mist and rain.

Spring South of the River
Ribuan li orioles menyebut hijau merefleksikan sungai
Desa air bukit anggur spanduk spanduk
Dinasti selatan 480 candi
Berapa banyak hujan paviliun di Orioles yang membutuhkan seribu li, hijau tercermin di sungai;
Desa di pedalaman; bukit benteng; anggur; sebuah spanduk di angin
Pada zaman dinasti-dinasti di selatan, ada empat ratus delapan puluh kuil;
Berapa banyak paviliun yang ada sekarang di dalam kabut dan hujan.
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