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Du Mu - Festival Kecerahan Murni

Pure Brightness Festival
Pure Brightness time rain disordered and confused
Road on traveller almost broken spirit
Politely ask inn what place be
Shepherd boy far point apricot blossom village At the time of the Pure Brightness festival, the rain is swirling round,
On the road, the spirit of the traveler is almost broken.
He politely asks at what place an inn can be found?
A shepherd boy points far away to apricot blossom village.

Festival Kecerahan Murni
Kecerahan Murni curah hujan tidak teratur dan bingung
Jalan di perjalanan hampir putus semangat
Dengan sopan meminta penginapan tempat apa
Gembala anak laki-laki jauh titik aprikot mekar desa Pada saat festival Kecerahan Murni, hujan berputar-putar,
Di jalan, semangat musafir hampir hancur.
Dia dengan sopan bertanya di tempat apa penginapan bisa ditemukan?
Seorang anak gembala menunjuk jauh ke desa mekar aprikot.
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