Du Fu - Meluap

Du Fu

River moon go person only few feet
Lantern shine night approach third watch
Sand head overnight egret join curl peaceful
Boat stern jump fish splash noise
The moon's reflected on the river a few feet away,
A lantern shines in the night near the third watch.
On the sand, egrets sleep, peacefully curled together,
Behind the boat I hear the splash of jumping fish.

Du Fu

Sungai bulan pergi orang hanya beberapa meter
Lentera bersinar malam mendekati jam tangan ketiga
Pasir kepala egret semalam ikut meringkuk damai
Perahu buritan lompat ikan percikan suara
Bulan tercermin di sungai beberapa meter jauhnya,
Sebuah lentera bersinar di malam hari di dekat jam ketiga.
Di atas pasir, egrets tidur, terjepit dengan tenang,
Di balik perahu aku mendengar percikan ikan melompat.
Thanks for reading Du Fu - Meluap

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