puisi inggris - My Mom’s face

puisi inggris

puisi inggris

Oft I’ve felt that when it rains

I recall forgotten joys,

I recall moments lost,

I try to feel the touch,

That put back few strands

Of hair from my temple,

And lift my chin to ensure:

My eyes were tearless,

My expression fearless,

I recall the smile of love,

The twinkle of affection,

The squeeze of oneness,

I recall voices gone silent,

I recall the gas balloon

Dodging raindrops and soaring,

The paper-boats sinking

In the unstopping pitter-patter,

An unfortunate ant

Struggling for survival;

I can hear a voice calling me

From inside the house,

Warning me to be careful,

Not to get hurt;

But I, unheeded, putting my feet

Into the rushing stream,

Slipping and falling back;

Ah! that exhilarating feel

Of last raindrops

On my eager face,

The sight of a peerless rainbow

In my eyes wide-open;

That empathic shout,

I can still hear,

That hysteric rush,

I can still feel,

That agitated hand,

I can still see,

Her arm across my shoulder

And, I know she’s there

With me………….

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